Independent Insurance Companies near Irving, Texas
Find a Nationwide Insurance Agent in Irving, Texas
Auto insurance
Don't hesitate to talk to one of our Irving car insurance agents about the right types of protection and coverage amounts for your policy. Whether it's a minor collision on Irving Blvd. or a major highway pile-up on your daily work commute, you need to know that your insurance is going to be there when you need it most.
With the Nationwide On Your SideĀ© Claims Service, you can choose your repair shop and closely monitor your vehicle throughout the process.
Home insurance
With the severe weather events common to north Texas, certain home insurance protections are commonsense. But even in the safest neighborhoods, theft and vandalism are an important coverage inclusion.
Talk to one of our Irving home insurance agents to understand precisely what is covered by a standard policy and then to add any coverage options that speak to the needs and priorities of your household.
Business insurance
Major corporations may dominate the local business news, but Irving is also home to a large number of smaller firms and consumer businesses. Nationwide's business insurance agents understand the local and industry-based risk factors that must be managed by successful companies. We work with local businesses to reduce uncertainty and pursue future growth.
Get a personalized quote online
You can buy a policy directly online or by first talking through your coverage with a Nationwide agent.